Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave


Back to work today and beginning to get back to some form of 'normality'.

So why a blip of a skip? Well it's not totally random or desperate. Whenever my Granddad was out and about and saw a skip he would have a nosy in it to see if there was ever anything useful in it, mainly wood as he was always making things in his shed/workshop.

Fortunately my Gran normally exerted a restraining influence on him, and to my knowledge he never brought home any mattresses or even a 2CV with mattress inside like in the One Foot in the Grave episode.

This blip might make it into my Granddad's slide show to raise a few smiles.

Hopefully I will now be able to catch up on commenting on blips now that I'm back home and trying to get things back to normal.

On a more happier note today my friend Danny, one of the Full Fat Friday Five, became a Dad for the first time today, when baby Sami was born at 7.30. Congratulations Danny.

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