Chase and Status Baby!

What a day!
Melody's 2 year review - 4 months late! Melody loved it! She did all the puzzles and showed off her colours, drawing sorting and hand eye coordination
- at one point melody had done her colour board correctly and we were talking over her, so she changed one to wrong and said 'look' health visitor said it was to get our input!
Then to matalan and clinic and subway - melody had her first one! Naughty mummy! I had a footlong! Greedy mummy (so fat since not smoking!)
Then to group - melody enjoyed sing brave brave mouse and has had me singing it ever since
Then Argos to collect Xmas gifts ordered
Home - made fish and parsley sauce - melody didn't want it til I told her it was white gravy - then she wolfed it down! (And peas - which have been on the banned list for ages!)
Then went round Mandy's for drinks before chase and status!! It was amazing - such a good dance and met loads of ppl I know - Jed was there with his new woman :( didn't speak to her - not ready for that
Union rooms after but had work next day so home by 1 - left my phone in pub

The most saddest news tho was I lost my uncle to brain cancer - he was a shell of his former self and really it's good that he didn't suffer for months and months - but penny is the most amazing woman and I'm gutted for her and my cousins
Didn't want to go out but couldn't let ppl down and actually it's what was needed

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