9 month development check...
Eva did so well for her first night in her big cot in her own bedroom. She was very unsettled and upset throughout the evening, but I settled her again around 1.30 am, went back to bed myself, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to Eva chattering away on the monitor, and it was nearly 8.30 this morning.
Eva was exactly 9 months old on Monday, and had her 9 month development check today. She did things like followed the health visitor moving the red pom pom around with her eyes, used her pincer grip (which is excellent, the hv puts this down to her BLW), held a little wooden brick in each hand then clapped them together (kind of), she was weighed (she's 9.96kg, just under 22lb), had her length (height) measured (she's 71.5cm long and on the 75th centile) and her head circumference is 44.6cm. She has no concerns and everything is normal. :-)
We had quite a bit of running around to do this morning actually. We collected the Christmas presents Eva had made, went to the chemist (who had only bloody sold out of Ashton and Parsons so I had to buy Nelson's), we had to go to the sorting office to get something even though I was in when they 'attempted delivery' on Saturday grrrrr. It was midday by the time we got back and Eva was shattered. She fell asleep briefly in the car, but had a 2 hour sleep in her room in her big cot without any fuss when we got back.
We went round to mom and Peter's when she woke up and just had a chat while Eva played. I took her Under The Sea book with us which she's taken a bit of a shine to.
Had home made burgers for tea and French fries. Eva had carrots, broccoli and jacket potato with her burger, but she was shattered. She had had a late night last night what with all the upset. So she was ready for her bath and bed big time. She had a huge milk feed and actually settled really well in her cot tonight. I put her to bed around 8.15pm in the end, it's currently 11.30 pm and she hasn't so much as stirred (touch wood). She did seem a lot happier going to bed tonight, I am so so relieved. On that note, it's time for me to also hit the sack, I am shattered. I wonder if Eva will sleep through? Xxx
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