Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Red Tailed Hawk

After yesterday's great morning walk, J decided that we needed another morning walk. As we walked through the park and by the lake, we noticed that there were hardly any birds there. Normally, there are dozens of mallards, Canadian Geese, Seagulls, and, on occasions, herons. What we did see was a large hawk sitting on a light post near the walkway. I reached for my camera (which goes with me everywhere), and moved off to the side a bit to cut the sun's glare. About that time, the hawk took to wing and flew over to the flagpole above the 9-11 Memorial that I have blipped before. There he sat in all of his glory! I got as close as I dared, and took several shots. Finally, I did (what I thought sounded like) a squirrel call. The hawk looked intently at me. I got several shots off, before he took flight again. Here is another shot of him on the flagpole.

Red Tailed Hawks are the most common sort of hawk in North America. But I love their grace as they fly and I love their coloring.

We continued our walk, had breakfast, and on the way back home, decided to stop by the city/county building and talk with the assessor's office about our sunroom/enclosed porch. We went back home and there was an email from the chief building inspector stating that he would not hold up our electrical permit if we committed to getting a retroactive permit for the sunroom. Our building contractor helped us understand what we needed to do to comply.

To be continued . . .

Thank you all for your great comments, stars and hearts on yesterdays dog. I really appreciate all of you so much!

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