Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Fresh Air or 'What's That?!'

All day long, I craved the cool, fresh air of Fall, outside the walls where I set diligently doing the work before me. On most days, I don't mind being inside doing my job, that job which is not Inn Keeping. But on fresh, cool, sunny, calm days, like today, it's all I can do to sit still and focus on the work at hand. I thought about the fresh air so many times today, that I just needed to talk about it tonight. I love the deep refreshment that filled my senses every time I stood outside and drank it in, if only for brief moments.

The tone was set first thing this morning, when this is what I saw, while taking my first gulp of the freshest of air. First , I'd mention the little evergreen on the farthest right. That is where Granny Spider weaves her lace. As my eye wanders through the glorious scene , something hanging from the tree catches my eye, and I think, 'what's that!?'

Mr. Contraptioneer.......????

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