Bowood 2013 #29: Bowood House

I had been saving up visiting Bowood House itself for a rainy day, but although we have had many rainy days this year I hadn't visited Bowood on any of them. This was the last day they were open until April 1st 2014, so I made a point of going.

I was surprised how little of the house was on display. A long corridor takes you through three or four rooms including the Adam Library and a chapel, and that is pretty much it, though the house is far larger (I'm told a staircase leads to another room but I didn't discover that). What you do see is quite opulent.

As an animal lover, I disapprove of animal skins on principle. This rug in the Adam Library appears to be of an unstriped white (or leucistic) tiger, presumably a hunting trophy from a very long time ago, though it must have been a rare animal even then. Having given its life, though, I am glad that use has been made of it so that its premature death was not entirely in vain.

It was a fine afternoon with a blue sky and I enjoyed my final walk of the year around the lake and grounds. There were still new fungi appearing including this horse mushroom. I had a chat to the two young girls at Tractor Ted's Little Farm. The pigs and calves will be going back to the main farm, whereas they will be overwintering the rabbits, guinea pigs, hens, chicks and so forth at their own homes.

Although this marks the official final day of my project, there are a few public footpaths over parts of the Estate so hopefully the winter season will not go completely unrecorded.


Blip #1093
Consecutive Blip #004
Day #1321

Garden Stags
Stained Glass
Garden Fountain
Bowood Lake

Bowood House and Gardens, Final Day 2013 (Flickr set)

Lenses: Pentax 18-55mm, Sigma 70-300mm

Bowood series
Bowood 2013 (Flickr collection)(Work in progress)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Emily Jane White - Wild Tigers I Have Known (2006)

One year ago: Home Patch

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