
By samsticks

Battered Bunny

I managed to assemble some data into a semblant of a poster today - have a few changes to make tomorrow morning, but hopefully I'll get it to the printers in time (somewhat reminiscent of the band/album situation!).

After work I set off for Richmond. Gina had won a family portrait photography session at the Grand Designs expo a few weeks back, and we'd scheduled it for today. It was the first time that I've ever been in a real photo studio - it's amazing what a white wall and a few big flash diffusers can do! It was really good fun and we'll certainly have some great shots - the question will be whether we love them enough to part with the astronomical amounts of money that they want for the priviledge of actually giving them to you. Thankfully we also won a small canvas, so we'll at least be able to pick our fave (if nothing else!).

It made me realise that I should finally get a speedlight too... I'll put it on my Christmas list, to complement my new camera that I ordered yesterday!! Far, far from cheap, but I'm hoping that it will be a significant upgrade that will do me for years to come. At least the screen will work! :)

After the shoot, Gina and I went for Vietnamese with Miles asleep in his carrier. He's nearly outgrown it, so we won't have the opportunity to do it for much longer!

Today's poor bunny was in the road on the way home. I hope that not too many tears were shed on discovering that he was missing.

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