an old cynic's view

By superhero

I got ambushed today

I was out for a walk with Snuffles this morning and a mate Martin Connolly and another friend Jen surrounded me.
Both of them do an enormous amount of work in the village for charity.
In fact I would go as far as to say Martin deserves a medal for his work
He is one of these bouncy characters who annoys you cos he is always happy ha ha
I don't know how he does it with a full time job as well
Jen also has a lot of contacts and gets well known folks to attend various events
Eaglesham bowling club this Saturday night "dress for depression"
A fashion show all welcome in support of Scottish Association of Mental Health
So anyone close get along some lovely stuff for sale and raffles ,auctions etc
I need to study my book as I am not used to taking photos indoors
As they say it will be alright on the night ,hopefully

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