Day 7 - Takayama to Kyoto

Woke up early yet again - much as the Ryokan was traditional and quaint, it never quite agreed with our sleep habits. The torrential rain outside didn't help, and it wasn't going anywhere quickly. Checked out, got a taxi to the station (all 1km away), and ran to the station coffee shop for breakfast. Boarded the 09.37 Hida Express to Nagoya and were soon winding our way through the mountains again, after a very relaxing few days in Takayama. Changed trains in Nagoya and were soon on a bullet train bound for Kyoto - home for the next three days.

Alas torrential rain followed us from Takayama, so it was into a taxi again for the short trip to our hotel - luxury in the form of a proper bed and our own bathroom! Woo-hoo! A very nice place it is too - seems to be a sort of wedding venue but we were made to feel very welcome, and the room is a cosy, contemporary one.

The rain continued.... and continued.... in fact it was 7pm before it finally abated, but at least we were forced to rest for a few hours, and we did brave the elements to have lunch in the "Royal Host" restaurant opposite the hotel - a sort of bizarre Japanese take on a Little Chef / American diner - you can just imagine the locals saying "lets go for a Western!", because it was heaving.

Anyway, come 7pm it was off to see a bit of Kyoto, getting the bus (we soooo do public transport in Japan) to the Gion area, where we did a nice self guided walking tour through the old town, starting at a temple (above - the first of many whilst here), and continuing through the strange juxtaposition of old and modern streets, the former hosting geishas (and we saw one briefly scuttling along, making Mrs DP's day), and the latter home to (ahem) "hostess bars". Dinner in a tiny Japanese restaurant which had 'kerb appeal' after two false starts - Kyoto is a lot more touristy than other places we've been, and it seems the restaurants in that area want their share of the takings... set menus ahoy! A scrummy dinner ensued anyway, before making our way back on the bus again.

More temples and shrines tomorrow....

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