
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Oh in Portobello!

Another busy morning at the day job. Had a delicious lunch with a friend at The Roseleaf which would make a good venue for a blipmeet, methinks.

I thought about going into town to hunt for a blip but felt sleepy so headed home instead. On the way I noticed that the tide was out at a little inlet that I've been meaning to explore so today turned into the day. I had a great meander around, took lots of photos (including the blip) and then headed home with a smile.

Before I could get sunk into my book, the sky lit up so I went in search of a sunset blip. I liked a few of my photos today so unusually I've put them in a set.

Here's a quirky little song about Portobello by Jen and the Gents. Really gets the toes a'tappin'...

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