Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje

Wildemans hofje Alkmaar

A hofje is a Dutch word for a courtyard with almshouses around it. They have existed since the Middle Ages.

A hofje provided housing for elderly people (mostly women). They were privately funded, and served as a form of social security. In the Netherlands there are still a number of hofjes in use.

Hofjes are usually built in a U-shape with a yard or garden in the middle, and a gate as entrance. The shape of hofjes was most likely inspired by the (older) Begijnenhofjes -- groups of small houses inhabited exclusively by religious women.

A distinction is usually made between the Begijnenhofjes and 'regular' hofjes. The former were used only by (Catholic) women, who were supporting themselves. They were a sort of cloister. The latter were more charitable institutions.

To be eligible to live in a hofje one had to meet four criteria:

Sex: almost all hofjes were founded for women, as they could be relied on to keep a household running
Religion: many hofjes were founded for people of the same faith as the founder (some hofjes were founded by church communities)
Age: from the 17th century a minimum age was often used. Fifty years was common, and this was an old age in those years
Social-economic background: hofjes were targeted for poorer people

The Wildemans hofje was originally meant to provide housing for 24 women. The hofje is named after Gerrit Florisz. Wildeman who founded the hofje in 1717.

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