Looking Up

A friend at my church has approached me about hiking on the Appalachian Trail. Not the whole trail (it's 2100 miles!), but just for a week. Probably in Tennessee. A day for travel...5 days of hiking...then a day to get home. Sometime in April or May.

I mentioned it to Lisa (my wife) one night this week at bedtime. "You're not going", she said. What? What did she say?

I think it's time for me to check that I'm all paid up in the MAN-UP club, and to assert myself. Where else do you have the chance to eat dried-up tasteless food...drink water out of a stream that an animal just peed in...traipse up and down mountains like Maria Von Trapp...and have the chance to get chased by hungry bears? I hope we can work it out.

All that being said...I laced up my hiking boots, slapped on my camera backpack, and hit the woods. 2.68 miles.

The path is hard to see. Leaves cover the ground. I'm thankful that somebody has put up colored markers to guide the hikers. Red, yellow, blue, and green. Just follow the colors.

Watch this site to see if hiking trip develops. Lots of planning...lots of miles to train.

As you can see...most of our leaves are gone. The golds in the center picture are actually some sort of pine tree. Odd.

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