
By LadyFindhorn

Loches Saturday Market

It was a farmers market day in Loches this morning but we only had time for a quick look before heading north to Chenonceau and its XVI th century castle. It was a little smaller than the one at Amboise. There were the usual horde of tourists and the ever present instruction "de pas promener sur l'herbe". The grounds were out of bound to picnic-ers especially odd looking cyclists, so we had our picnic on the banks of the river Cher just outside the grounds.
On the way home aided by a back wind, there was a breakaway group of about 5 cyclists including his Lordship who wanted to prove something and then a second breakaway group of 4 including yours truly who were not to be out done.
Probably a little childish but it offered an exhilerating finish to 5 days of fantastic cycling with no rain, warm weather and only 2 days of wind.
Back to Portsmouth and reality tomorrow. BUT we still have a week in Suffolk to enjoy!

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