
By Croft16

After the storm..

..there's still plenty of waves..

Been chiselling out old mortar again, done half the back wall of the train shed end. It's a bit damp. Wonder if I should point up the outside first to stop water coming in?..

This evening I've been down the village hall painting the kitchen and hallway. A job we've been threatening to do for a couple of years, and when at the last committee meeting they were talking about getting a decorator in, I thought it was time we got on and did it ourselves. One of me to start with, and then two, and when we'd nearly finished, another two turned up.. We had a couple of beers after..

I think today is the first day this month that it hasn't rained. The lowest we've had is 4 mm and the highest was 31.5, and averaging at just under 10.

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