
By DancingAly

Busy Busy Busy

I woke up this morning feeling horrible. Kind of like indigestion but worse. Skipped breakfast as I felt so bad- so unlike me! It was bright and sunny this morning- beautiful.

I was at work by the skin of my teeth, and felt like I was playing catch up all day . I made a big effort with hair and makeup today as its picture day. I hate the one of me that's on our board, so was on a mission to get a better one today! And I did :-)

My builder arrived to fix my leaky towel rail. He came last week, but alas, these things are never simple, and predictably it needed a new part. It seemed a fairly straightforward task, but I've discovered that with the builder/my house, things rarely are! Cue him putting a bung somewhere in the loft to slow the pressure to enable him to change the valve, and then once removed, water gushing from the radiator! There was a flurry as I had to quickly go and turn off heating/pumps/other stuff I either couldn't locate or knew nothing about, while the builder had his hand over it while the water gushed into a bucket. Eventually it ended up with builders mate in the loft holding something in place, builder changing valve with a slower flow of water, and me, still in my work clothes tipping buckets of mucky water down my toilet. Thankfully it seems to be all fixed, although it took me at least an hour to clear up and mop after they'd gone! Apparently the builder said it was not a problem, and he wasn't panicking. Well I certainly was! I had to tell him, this is bad for my heart! The sound of a pump wailing and still pushing water out all over my bathroom floor is not something I care to repeat! At one point I did think it would be goodbye carpet, goodbye ceiling, hello insurance claim!

Anyway, got the house straight (I do like things perfect!), set the Tivo box to tape Strictly, and then cruised by Mum's for dinner. B was pleased to see me as I didn't even have time to see him earlier, as I ran straight in and out to get a dust sheet. Apparently he was quite upset!

I am really getting into Strictly after all these weeks. I wasn't bothered earlier as I had no idea who most of them are!

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