Swimming in Gold

Today Helena, Arvin and I took a nice long walk to Northridge Park, another local Bellingham park that is connected by trails to our local parks. It isn't really far and is nice because it is not the same place we usually go. There is a small pond there that is filled with mallard ducks who are obviously used to being fed. They came to check us out each time we got close to the pond. The yellow leaves on the few remaining trees that hadn't dropped them, were reflecting beautifully on the water of the pond. The sun was out, a brief bit of brightness on an otherwise gray day. Of course I took lots of photographs. I chose this one of the male mallard because the color of the reflection was so beautiful and his green head was iridescent. He made a beautiful sight.

Soon we are taking off to drive to Fairhaven's Firehouse Theater to take in a concert. Among other Whatcom Syymphony Orchestra performers, Yaniv Attar will be there playing guitar. He is the new conductor who started his training as a classical guitarist. Couldn't be better for us as we all love classical guitar and Yaniv Attar. :) We are going early because the venue is small and this will be a popular concert.

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