Variety Is the Spice of Life

Variety's the very spice of life,
That gives it all its flavour.

-- William Cowper, English poet and hymnodist (1731-1800)

These leaves are from the same Rosa rugosa plant as the earlier frosty ones. I didn't have a blip yesterday, and I barely had one today, as you can see.

Why? The early darkness, yes, but also the multiple demands on my time, even though I'm retired, and most of them are self-imposed.

-- recently taken on a new volunteer role as concert program coordinator for the Whatcom Symphony Orchestra, which is rich with details and deadlines.
-- been planning a major vacation for us next spring that involves air travel and short-term rentals in two European countries, now booked.
-- planned a short break in December for us, also now booked (round trip $35 for two!).
-- spent way too much time taking photos of Felix Flicker.
-- just about finished our photo-rich holiday card template.
-- created personal mugs for our grandchildren, using pictures from their time with us last July, and for us as well, using pictures from our wonderful holiday in Iceland, and ordered them from another photo website (the same one our holiday cards come from).
-- put together my first Blipfoto calendar, and ordered copies (what an easy process that is -- highly recommended!).
-- organized a gift list for holiday giving.
-- made several batches of applesauce from the harvest from our two small trees, with another batch or two to go to use them up before they go mushy.

That didn't all happen in the last two days, but the net effect was that my blip energy was used elsewhere. I'm sure it will return, but it may take a few days!

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