
By Chook

World's worst job

Dubai to Istanbul to Izmir today. Arrived in Izmir 29 hours after our plane left Melbourne, so a little sleepy now. Trip would have been longer, but we were able to bring forward our Izmir flight at no cost because of the flooding.

Had a few hours wait in Dubai, so we treated ourselves to ridiculously priced ice creams and kicked back in their comfy chairs to watch the poor cleaners' futile attempts at removing the inch-thick dust from the terminal windows. Given that it was 33 degrees and muggy outside, I think that this just about qualifies as world's worst job.

We've only seen Izmir through the rain so far. Coloured concrete blocks of flats on the outskirts of the city, buildings with some more character in the cobbled streets by the water closer in. A whole bunch of police in riot gear calmly strolling the streets, a mass of protesters on the other side of the road. Plenty of crazy driving and a non-stop cacophony of tooting. Lots of people at bus stops standing under umbrellas. A few stray dogs.

We've just had a delicious meal at our hotel. Sleep awaits, then apparently a sunny day tomorrow...

Back-blipped yesterday.

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