Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Corridor of power

This is not what I meant to blip today. Having an appointment early this morning and a bit of time to kill, I wanted to get a shot of Winchester's Christmas Market and ice rink being built - because, yes folks, it's official, autumn is over, the twinkly lights are on (as from last night) and it's shop till you drop for the next 5 weeks. Hmm!

Anyway, on the way to the market you have to skirt the Cathedral, which is where I got my blip. The walk's called Curle's Passage and is formed by the flying buttresses on the south wall - a powerful piece of architecture and not unblipped. So sorry if I'm repeating what others have done better, but the light and the textures of the stone and the wooden door were just so flipping gorgeous I couldn't resist posting it.

Hah, another week of our lives successfully (I hope) accomplished. Have a great weekend xx

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