Super busy!

We got the bus to ballet first thing! Melody is obsessed by buses! She and Freya loved it! Massive palaver tho seeing as its a five min car ride!
New ballet class to try today :) closer and cheaper and it turned out better - tiny class :) and very strict teacher! Also did actual ballet instead of just moving about - so cool - also half the class was tap! Bought her some tap shoes - she loved it tap tap tapping!
Then lunch at weatherspoons with the girls before heading home on the bus
Way less fun - tantrums and cold and tired :( power struggle at every pavement 'me do self mummy' 'no melody you'll get squashed by a car' 'waaaaaaaa'
For a long time
Nap at home and sweetness and light returned!
Dentist! Melody loved it - I've been prepping her for what will happen and reading books about the dentist - she loved getting a sticker and free toothbrush and toothpaste :) had her teeth painted with fluoride and to she had no caries and must be brushing well - she has all her teeth except one with is half out at the back :)
Home for pasta and then out for the Xmas switch on, lantern parade, donuts, reindeer and general xmassy ness - still only early nov tho.. But did enjoy it - met lots of baby mums all wrapped up warm! :)

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