Jayne doll

I do still intend to upload some of the last terrible month but this week has just knocked my socks off, late nights, long days at work, I am wiped out.

Come Friday afternoon we'd all gone a bit loopy, I came back from lunch to find that Sarah and Marie had constructed the Jayne dolls that one of the Graphic Design tutors designed! Jayne was my new line manager but left for pastures new last week but her presence will definitely be felt in the art school for a long time.

I also finally got round to sponsoring my brother on his Movember page, my Dad was part of some trials and it is a strong and amazing campaign. I found myself having the biggest silent tears at my desk, every day is a mix of great sorry with moments of joy, captured here in a Jayne doll! I think the intention is to get it trending on twitter!!

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