Light Lunch?

We went to Borough Market today to meet my eldest, Tim, and came across this roll, which was a good 18" long, the sign above it was five pounds but that was only for a portion of it not the whole thing!

Had a nice time, queued to have a sit down coffee in Monmouth Coffee shop, with a pain au raisin, then a wander round, before having lunch at this cafe. The do good portions at a reasonable price with a good mug of builders tea. I opted for a bacon bap, Geoff had the same, Tim had bacon, black pudding, eggs and bubble on a plate, at about five pound a head not bad for London. Apparently I missed out as they do a liver and onion bap which, according to Geoff, I would have loved.

We were quite restrained and came home with some portugese tarts (Geoff), citron tart (me) and a game pie (probably both of us, I'm not sure about it). Then took the train back to Chris and Maddies old home are, Brockley, where I managed a lovely coffee in Browns while Geoff put a bet on. Then we picked up a lovely loaf of bread before getting in the car and heading home.

Hopefully Tim has met up with James for a few drinks while we are home in front of the fire. Altogether a lovely day!

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