Dancing Dogs in Tour!

Look what we’ve got for our car doors! It is a big magnet with our name, website and a silhouette of the boys. How cool is that. Dancing dogs on tour!

The boys and I started the day with a looooong walk in the beautiful area around Kongskilde. We walked from 10 am to almost 1 pm. It was a grey day and a muddy walk, but we all loved it. More pictures from our walk here!

We weren’t far from Fuglbjerg when we walked, which is on the way to Næstved, where my dad lives, so I texted him and asked if he had coffee ready. He did! So we did some shopping on the way to Næstved and arrived at my dad’s at 2.3o. He had not only coffee ready, but also cake for me and treats for the boys.

I brought him his Birthday present as I don’t think I will see him again until after his Birthday. I had a lovely framed picture of his grandson (my nephew) for him, which he really liked, so that was nice.

I stopped in a big shopping center on the way home, to look for a prop for Biscuit’s new routine. I didn’t find it though.

Home to feed dogs and now I need to spend a couple of hours on my school books.

Happy weekend, Blippers.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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