Bathtime. Part 3!

Final instalment of 'babies in the bath looking up'!!!!

Part 1.
Part 2.

Elliot was by far the most difficult to get, I had to tie a Power ranger to my head to make him look up at me, stubborn monkey, don't know where he get's it from!! ;)

The children finally fell asleep at around 1 this morning then were awake at 7!! They've been really good today considering they must be shattered, but they wont show it!!

I popped to Becky's last night but Colin text me after I had been gone 30 minutes saying he felt like a policeman in the middle of the London riots, I came home and it was all quiet, he's such a drama queen!!!!

We watched Star Wars today.... That's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back, I have perfected my Chewbacca impression though, every cloud........!!

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