living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Beetroot vampire

It was a mostly lazy Saturday today. We are attempting to get the house ready for the boiler man to come next week and put a new boiler in. YAY! We can finally have real hot water from the actual tap! It takes a bit of work, though and trying to find places for things that need to be moved. And cleaning. Lots of cleaning.

We also went to try to find out what size of bike to get for Chickpea for Christmas. She fell for some garishly pink Barbie ones but I will do my best to find one that I know she will like that is not Barbie or Disney princess related. Because Disney princesses make me vomit. I'm sure I'm a terrible mother but it's true.

Oh, yeah- we had curry for dinner but what did CP want? Beetroot. Obvioulsy.

CP quote of the day-- "Dad, what's gravity? Is that a good question?"

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