
By Mikey88

Macro Robin

I tackled another section of the buddeia this afternoon and as usual, my little friend the robin arrived to see if I had disturbed any food for it. After finishing the section, I got my tripod and macro lens to take shots of some fungus. Whilst kneeling, the robin suddenly appeared on a branch to my right and it was close enough for me to reach out and touch.

I decided to try for a shot of it, so I went to get a bit of food and put it on the end of the branch, pointed the camera at where I thought the robin would perch and waited. Sure enough, it came back and with the shutter set to silent mode, and the camera no more than a foot away from the bird, took a couple of shots, before it picked up the food and flew down to the floor.

Unfortunately, it hadn't come into the frame, so I put some more food out, moved the camera and this time set it to live view, so that I would see the bird in the screen on the back of the camera. I didn't think it would come back, but it did, and it moved into the frame. I managed two shots before it went again and this time they were more successful. The autofocus didn't quite get the eye sharp, but I was quite pleased with my macro shot of a robin. You may see more shots of it, if I can get its confidence.

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