Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Nimble fingers

Thankfully the wee man behaved himself for his Grandma, exhausting all the breast milk and sleeping almost 12 hours straight.

We thought he might be saving himself up for his Grandma and we were right. Perfectly timed with her latest visit he's started to bum shuffle across the floor. He's not particularly quick but he can certainly inch his way along.

He's also becoming far more dexterous too. He regularly passes items from one hand to another and at dinner tonight he even managed to pick up a cup with two hands and drink from it!

Not only that but in the last couple of days he's begun to master the shape sorter, placing circular items in circular holes.

Maybe all that fuss a few weeks ago was the wee man gearing up for this big change?

Well done lad!

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