
By Brookeside

One of these and ...

Today we went to ikea! Mum had us both up, washed, dressed, fed and out the house within 90 minutes, sped away through to ikea to find out it didn't open til 10! Oh well we only had a short wait. We had gone to get me a table and chairs and they were out of stock! While we were there we picked up a few other things though so it wasn't too much of a wasted trip. Then it was home for lunch and daddy coming in from work. We decided after lunch to head back out to shops to try and get some more Christmas shopping done. Somehow we came back with more things for me though! We had to get my feet measured and I've grown a whole size so I got shoes and slippers. Mummy got new slippers too and the 'essentials' which seem to be a big bottle of red coloured juice. Had a yummy dinner, watched night garden got three stories (lucky me!) then bed. Word of the day now is me - when looking at pictures of myself or when anyone says Brooke.

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