Bride on the Bridge but really... Quinceanera!

The day began easily, waking at 8:30, having a light breakfast. Everybody getting up and feeling relaxed. At 10 the gardeners arrived. Carlos and Mike. Our neighbor's gardeners really. But ours today because we have had hedges of Laurel that were beginning to take over the garden. I had asked Carlos to come to trim them because Raven does not have the right equipment to do that. She was happy I was getting it done. So, anyhow, they arrived and did a fantastic job trimming the hedge and a bunch of other plants that needed to be cut back a bit. Nice!

My brother Dave arrived an hour after Carlos and Mike to help with our wobbly kitchen sink faucets. Ooops! The unit was finished with its natural life and had to be replaced. So Dave, Arvin and I scooted down to Lowe's to get a replacement faucet which Dave masterfully installed for us. Yay Dave! What a doll. When he was done, off he headed to meet his friend, another Dave, for an afternoon of golf.

Meanwhile Helena had taken off for a walk. So I decided to take one myself. I needed to find a blip and I felt like some exercise. So I headed down to Whatcom Falls Park, one of my favorite walks. When I was just about in the middle, it began to rain. In fact it poured. But about two minutes later it stopped and I was just fine. My cameras were stowed in my jacket and all was good. So I continued on my way and went to the bridge across the creek below the falls. There I found a wedding party and a photographer. I took a couple of photos because I was quite taken with the bride's gorgeous pink dress, and then meandered on to the path that goes down to the top of the falls. When I looked back, this is what I saw on the bridge. There was the bride, posing for photos, with her gorgeous pink dress positioned perfectly in one of the grated holes of the bridge. Voila! Today's blip. Bigger fluffier dress.

So it turns out that this is more likely to be a young gal celebrating her Quinceanera or 15th birthday. Apparently there is a "court" of family and friends who dress up to accompany the young girl who is the celebrant. This young gal did look like she could be 15 and was accompanied by a group of beautiful young folks in white.

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