
By SeaGypsy49

Weeds can be beautiful.

A quick photo of the garden. Foxgloves (weeds offically) are looking great, along side the roses, lillies and the Maude Island lilly (I can't find it's proper name, so will go looking for it, and edit this) It's another plant that is grown extensively in my garden, as it is a 'tough as old boots'. I've seen it growing on the banks of streams in full shade, and on rocky cliffs that get lots of spray from the sea, and grows happily in clay. It just seeds and keeps coming up.
We had a golf day yesterday at the club. It was the Inter-district competition, where we get teams together from each area around here. Non-players as well as other who play golf. It was a fun day, & the weather was great with the sun shinning. I've even got sunburn around my neck.
We took the pups (suppose they are now dogs at 10 months old) for a walk up the back of the property last evening. Whisky (the cat) even followed us. We let them off to have a run around and maybe catch a possum. That was fine for about 1/2 hour, then we decided it was time to return home
But they wouldn't come when called. We called & called, but they were hunting.
During this time I had crossed back over the creek, and Whisky had followed me, then I couldn't find her!!
Just before dark I returned to the house to get torches and the ute, then went back up there. As soon as I got back, Whisky came out of the trees so I put her into the ute. At least we had one!
PJ was still on the other side of the creek, calling them, but as it was getting quite dark by this time, he decided we had better head for home, but were unsure exactly what we were going to do about them.
Just before he got back to the ute, they appeared at his heels. Phew!!
Rengarena (Arthropodium cirratum) - Colonieses rocky coastal areas from North Cape to a southern limit of Kaikoura & Greymouth. Also known as New Zealand Lilly or as my mother always called it "Maud Island lily" . Maud Island is a small island in the Pelorus Sound, which is now a DOC sanctuary.

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