Yurt Yard

I completely missed the blip of the day. We went into the Dollar Store in McMinnville today, and when I walked past the toy department, and specifically the ball area, I saw a rag-tag group of rag-a-muffin kids with at least 40 balls (football, small football, baseball, basketball) lying around on the floor. These kids had taken the store by storm, were laughing and snorting. I found Tom and told her she had to see the chaos on aisle 10. We went walking over there and all of a sudden, a football came whipping out of the mix...BAM! A football flies past us, right into the greeting card stand in front of us. I pulled out my iPhone and tried for a photo, but their "Dad" (I use the term loosely), stood there at the end of the aisle with them, and I felt a little suspicious shooting the shot. But by then, there were about 50 balls around the aisle, and the little devils (I think I saw horns protruding from their little domes) were looking for more. Seriously, it was crazy!!!

So, I just settled for this shot of the yurt in the leaves, with Kirby rolling around scratching his back on the leaves and grass. No rag-a-muffins inside, thank God!!!

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