
By Isabel

Lights on water...

Interesting day... a colleague and I were brought in to a meeting to help find a solution to a longstanding issue at work. In the course of the morning, we came up with what we hope will be a solution to the problem. Everyone was most impressed...
Although we got the glory on this occasion, we wouldn't have come up with a "solution" (we hope!) without the hard work already done by the team before we got there... they set out the issues very clearly and comprehensively...
And if "the solution" actually doesn't work, we'll end up with egg on our faces!
Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Went to tap class then zumba in the evening and took this shot on the way home, having had no time to colect a "Blip" earlier on in the day. The water is Powmillan Burn, which runs through Strathaven and is a tributory to the River Avon (well known for trout fishing).
(To those not from these parts, "burn" is the Scottish word for "stream".

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