
A small montage of Poltalloch church. Built 1853 by Neill Malcolm XIII Laird Of Poltalloch.Architect was Thomas Cundy the younger! This was his only work in Scotland. External stone from Ayrshire, interior from Kenmure quarries Glasgow and is a Gothic Revival style church. The font is Purebeck marble & the floor Minton. The bells from Whitechapel foundry.
I liked the wee gargoyle and corbels but I got the feeling I wasn't the only person there! Could have sworn I saw a shadow pass me by! Spooky or what!

Oh & the Bonham Carter link...Richard Erskine Bonham Carter
b.27 Aug 1910 d.18 Dec 1994
MRCS LRCP( 1936) MRCP(1938) MB Bchir Cantab(1940) FRCP(1950)
As a paediatric cardiac specialist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, Dick Bonham Carter was a pioneer in the clinical care of children with heart problems. He was born in Poltalloch, Argyllshire, although the family house was in Hertfordshire until the early 1920s. In his early life a great deal of his time was spent in Scotland, either at Poltalloch, where there would be large family gatherings, or at the cottage on Loch Sween, which had been given to his mother when she was a young woman. To the end of his life Dick loved to be at the cottage, walking, sailing, fishing and later all the family holidays would be spent there.

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