About time...

4years 27days

Mummy finally located the tools & parts for turning Katie's 4wheeled scooter into the 2wheeled version. She is suitably satisfied with the efforts.

A nice day. Bitty, but nice. We went swimming first thing together. Its been a few weeks since we'd had a her & I session and her swimming lessons were beginning to show the difference. But she did about 30 widths (voluntarily!!) and was chuffed to bits with herself when she remembered a couple of things her muscles at first seemed to have forgotten.

We went straight to the train to go into the city to collect a couple of tshirts we need for some costumes for a party next week at nursery, before heading home for lunch and a spot of sewing.

She then had a snack and play in her room while I did a session, before coming to meet the children and take them to see the bunnies. When they'd gone, we sorted the scooter. She was very keen to go show her skills off to her friend who lives round the corner. We headed round and found her friend not there, but her sister & dad were happy for some company so Katie & Ellie had a play together before Lydi and her mum came back. It was a nice hour or so catching up with friends.

Home for a spot of tea and our almost-traditional Sunday teatime Disney movie. This time she's chosen the Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad, a new one for both of us.

Edit: it lasted 15 minutes before she deemed it too scary!

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