Lovember: Betty-Boo
A month of things I love.
I didn't think I'd get this 'love' in front of the camera...she doesn't like being blipped at all!
Boo-Boo is my dark haired lovely.
Smart cookie...
Head full of knowledge,
My velcro baby
Fashion Guru in fish nets
Doc Martin Queen
Fearlessly independent
Amazing story teller...
to name but a few of the reason why she's on my list!
Here she snapped her new hair rollers to show me. She has the most amazing long dark thick black hair (inherited from her Dad) however its very difficult to curl. These strawberry foam rollers are all the rage in Japan apparently, so Bex figures if they curl Asian hair they 'should' in theory curl hers! If I get an 'after' shot I will edit my photo
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