River of Flowers

By doffy

Autumn Beech Colours

Another pleasant day, MrD went for a ride on his motorbike and I spent a few hours in the garden.

Today I decided to start chopping down the Clematis which have been running riot through everything and have almost killed off an Oak tree in a pot and a yellow leaved Elderflower.

After a couple of hours of hacking away, and a green bin full of clematis vines, it is now possible to see the picket fence and some other plants which had been long forgotten.

It started raining late afternoon and time to think of dinner - River Cottage Squash with Cheese & Cream for me, I use Cheddar cheese and black pepper, this is a once a year treat - don't think the arteries could take it more often! Baked Potatoes for MrD with baked beans and cheese.

Today's blip is the beautiful leaves on the Beech, it was supposed to be blipped with the sunshine on it but it got very late and dark. The image has had all sorts of processing using Photoshop Express app.

Ready for a train trip with Michael Portillo on the TV, then an early night I think! Goodnight all x

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