
By Houseonahill6

That's what friends are for

What a fab day we have had.The sun was shining as we sat and had a yummy breakfast in the hotel. Plenty of birds were flitting among the trees.
After a taxi journey through the Streets of Edinburgh we arrived at The National Museum Of Scotland .We had a quick look around the shop, the ground floor and part of level one. It's a great building with light flooding through the glass roof.
We headed for the Millenieum Clock and watched it twist ,turn and change colours as it struck 11.Soozy and CameraColin arrived and our blipmeet began. It is so nice to meet blippers who you have been following and we hit it off straight away and did nt stop talking for 3 hours.
We headed for a coffee shop full of character and after finishing our tasty coffee we went back to the museum to explore more of the levels. It was fun chatting and taking photos.
After saying our goodbyes we finished by looking at the fossils and rocks and this giraffe that looked quite funny.
Found a nice cafe for dinner and then went to see Sunshine on Leith . A good end to a good day :)

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