One of the 3 "J's"

Jute, Jam and Journalism are the main things that Dundee is famous for all over the world and this lovely butterfly shopper is an example of the first:-)

I bought it at the U3A talk I attended recently by the owner of the company (see here) and I now have the difficult choice of deciding whether to give it to a friend as a Christmas gift (my original intention) or to keep it myself:-)

I was planning to blip it on a rainy day just to brighten things up a bit, but it was actually quite sunny here today, which meant another load of garden trimming and chopping before the real cold arrives. It was dark before I realised I didn't have a photo, so the bag had it's turn:-)

My daughter tells me it was 31 degrees in Florida today. I didn't really want to know that:-)

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