Worship is a weapon

This necklace was given to me when we were in Dublin for the 24-7 Prayer international gathering...we'd just been commissioned and some random woman came up to and said she felt like God had asked her to pray for Asha long-term, she then took off her necklace and gave it to me as a reminder of that fact. I wear it round my wrist, and it reminds that people I don't even know are lifting Asha up in prayer. This has been really helpful when I've struggled with watching Asha have a tough time at nursery!

Today we had Tim Hughes preaching at church, he finished off a series on 'Worship'. He was wonderful, what he said has kind of changed my world a little bit! He was looking at 2 Chronicles 20 and talking about worship as a weapon, about how often we put ourselves at the centre of worship because it's all about what we do, making sure we give x amount to church, read our Bibles for x amount of time, attend every church meeting possible etc etc and how that leads to exhaustion, but if we put God at the centre it leads to joy, life and freedom. When we worship we put God where He should be, and we sing/live out eternal truths...and that's when God moves in power! So in 2 Chronicles, the army did nothing but worship God, and He gave them the victory. When we worship, atmospheres change, people change, situations change and we change. It just helped me to realise that in difficult situations in my life, the best thing I can do, and the key to change, is worship. It also made me realise that I want to be known as someone who worships God, and that the best thing we can do in Sa Penya is go and worship in the streets there! Just declare truth!
Anyway, ramblings over...but an absolutely awesome morning. Spoke to him afterwards and he immediately picked up on the brummie twang - we had a short time of Birmingham appreciation as he grew up in Harbourne!

Other than that, Tex left this afternoon then Ben and Katie came over for dinner and spanish... Fun!

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