Wet Fred

Rainier in large.

Fred the Red was a bit wet today... as we all were. It rained, poured and stormed all day long. Tonight we are predicted to get 60 mph winds. (From the sounds of it, that has already started. It sounds like we are in a tunnel with a train!) Tornados have been touching down around the state; it could be an interesting night...

Knowing what we were in for weather-wise, I set the seeds and nuts on the edge of the deck early on... cracked open a nearby window and waited. It didn't take long for Fred to come for his first peanut, but man he's fast! I missed my first opportunity. So I waited and waited... no Fred in sight. Come on Fred, do you think I have all day to be standing here with the window open? I gave up and closed the window. Wouldn't you know, he appeared seconds later! Darted in, took a peanut and darted off again. Fortunately, after the peanuts are gone, he'll stay for a bit shelling the sunflower seeds. And that's when I finally got a chance at a few images. Good thing it worked out earlier in the morning. Not long after this, the rain came down so hard I'd have never been able to have the window open.

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