The Colours of Summer

What a glorious day today which we celebrated by walking the Lake Hawea shoreline track.
The Sun shone and the wind didn’t blow and The Boss got really excited about the poppies and Lupins that lined the shore at some places. This is the time of year when the Walkers go off for a 4 day walkathon which this year was Timaru. The Boss was a bit surprised when 17 people turned up as he thought more might have gone on the big trip but it appears not.

The 17,000 steps that The Bosses iPhone recorded seemed to pass quickly and they were soon at the local icecream shop complaining about the size of a single cone. Too BIG they moaned...and no one actually meant it. NO ONE thought to share with ME which might have been something to do with The Boss threatening DEATH to anyone that did this. He had a very bad experience when a previous dog (Golden Retriever) got addicted to Ice cream after 1 try and tried to snatch cones out of the hands of small children…Opps as they say in the trade.
No chance of that with ME as THEY were all outside the shop complaining about the size thing and slurping a lot and I was in the back of Suzz securely and safely confined in my car harness. Before you all feel sorry for me…YES do it…do it…do it. I did get a lovely big drink of cold water which will not clog my arteries raise my collateral ….cholesterol…Er…whatever… and make me fat. So why do I feel neglected…I am so healthy I could bust so The Bossess is going to take me out with her for a blat round the block while The Boss Blips.

Frankly I would prefer she just leaves the grub cupboard open.

Fatter Lupins

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