Forgive me Father....
For I have ginned...
Week 7 = Surf Tour #2 of Term 1. We bundled in to our minibuses which were themed. Our bus, incase you couldn't work it out from Ana's (pictured) costume, was Hip Hop Easter Bunnies from Jamaica. The other bus had to dress as Rockstar Tooth Fairies from France. Not you average fancy dress, that's for sure.
The bus journey was long but entertainment came in buckets and spades and the time flew by.
We dropped our stuff off at the hostel and headed straight in to town to one of our favourite watering holes, Cribb Bar, where spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking and having a great time. Warwick Surf's preferred beverage of choice is gin, hence the gin-ius pun Blip title.
It was dark when we left so capturing this portrait on ISO 12,800 (?!) wasn't a lot of fun but I love the atmosphere that it captures. Alex, Surf's treasurer, can be seen in the background.
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