
By Transitoire


Didn't just have to ask Clare, a fellow English and French student, how to spell pigeon...following with both of us having to Google it to spell-check...

If you knew when you began a book what you would say at the end, do you think that you would have the courage to write it? The game is worthwhile in so far as we don’t know what will be the end. – Michel Foucault

I think the same can be said about life. Who knows what is around the corner, and whether things will work out or no. Decided that the only way to live is to try and do that positive thinking thing? Sure, things might not work out…but it is always better to make a bloody good go of them.

After a rather stressful trying to get on a bus from Warwick campus and all of them going past me saying that they were not in service, I finally made it into Coventry to get my connection to Leicester to Thom’s. due to the inadequacies of the first bus service, I had missed the bus that I had wanted to get (as they are only hourly!)…but in terms of everything it turned out quite well. I had a wander over to Coventry Transport Museum, not for the museum itself but for the rather nice looking coffee shop. And did I need that drink and chance to gather myself. Ended up phoning Dad for a little bit just to make sure everything was hunky-dory chez moi before heading back to the bus station to get the next bus. This photograph is taken upon leaving the museum and heading back across the square. Not exactly the best of lenses for the purpose, but it went alright!

Once I arrived in Leicester the fun started, as I had completely forgotten what bus stop I had to get off at, leading me to get off in the wrong place with Thom having to come and find me in the centre of town. I definitely was not much help in giving him any clue to where I was…I remember him asking me what I could see to which my answer was “Buildings”. Oh dear, good job he loves me right? A pub lunch soon calmed me down, and then it was back to Thom’s to do some work, joy of joys. I never seem to stop working!

Tesco shops are always fun when you are literally just buying for a few days…very random things get put into the trolley! I think we ended up with three different types of dip to have with Doritos, some garlic bread and some vegetarian sweets. Nice evening in though, especially since I had many things to be getting on with…it was nice to have someone look after me.

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