the colour green

By jukeys

horsey pizza

Baked a tiger cake with the girls in the morning at Carrie's. Got home around 1-ish and picked the dogs up from dad's house. He'd left them there to give them some alone time :) Coquine's heat has definitely started now. She's swollen, is licking herself a lot, and Leo is getting very agitated in her presence. It's usually after the 7th day of heat that things really get going and, at the point we're at now, there's just a lot of sniffing and excitement but a growl if Leo gets that wee bit too close. Not long to go though. Fingers crossed!

Made spelt pizza dough when I got in for tonight's tea.

Pierre and his friends got in from their mountain biking around 2pm. They'd done an organised run with the Nyons cycling club. Pierre's now a fully-fledged member as I got him the inscription for his birthday :) All three of them were knackered!

The two guests headed off and Pierre and I siesta-ed for an hour in the late afternoon.

Pizza for tea! The spelt dough had had AGES to rise so was lovely and fluffy, just ready to be cooked. I used the rest of the horsey bolognese on Pierre's pizza, and I made myself a red onion and lardon one. God, they were good.

Early-ish night after a Breaking Bad (yes, I'm watching it for a third time...this time with French subtitles!).

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