
By rosesinDecember


Our boiler overflowed and needed professional help so, after Song Circle and lunch, we returned home to wait for the engineer.

I did some ironing, watched Topsy and Tim and kinder eggs, chatted, played and attended "dance class" with E and her baby hippo. A slept.

When she woke, to a fixed boiler and cosy house, it was snack time. I watched as these sisters giggled, played and cuddled. Eva decided she wanted to eat the raisins in her "tent" (the cupcake house tipped on it's side) and said, "Let's go Anna". Obviously Anna had no idea and Eva kept saying "come on Anna you can do it" as she crawled in a vague direction until they were together in the tent (with a little help) stuffing their little cheeks with raisins. It was super cute and I hope a glimpse of many more sisterly moments to come. I'm so proud of these two.

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