
By asussexlady

My October is always Blue

Tonight we went to see one of my favourite bands, Blue October, at the Institute in Birmingham. A small venue, with a very happy, dedicated crowd. I last saw the band in 2009, also in Birmingham and I'll definitely be seeing them if they come back again. The set was fabulous and including a few surprises. Definitely one of the best gigs I've ever been to - which I believe I said last time I saw them! This photo was taken with my phone because my little, old "point and shoot" has really given up the coast and although it's not clear, or in focus, or very good at all, I like it because it's colourful and catches the energy of the gig, to me, anyway. A great evening out, which also involved a quick potter around the famous German Christmas Market where I got the most awesome mug to fuel my snowman obsession and we managed not to miss the last train back, which is always a plus!

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