Soft portrait
of two puppets, as old as I am (so they deserve to be portrayed without showing all the signs of their age). ( A little wink in the direction of BikerBear!)
My father got them right after the war and played with them at the end of my bed at night before I had to go to sleep. The devil was his favorite …I was scared sometimes but it was the beginning of a deep love for puppet play. Over the years my parents gave me more puppets: the typical witch, a princess and "Kasperle" which is like Punch in English. I performed for my sister , for the neighbor kids, later for my daughter and her friends. And then, maybe around the end of the Eighties, it was over. Nobody wanted to watch that anymore. Not only in our household but also in Kindergartens etc. TV had replaced it. (My daughter grew up without TV in her early childhood years and I anyway).
Today, as it was grey, I started to pick up my studio, clean it etc. And all of a sudden, there was the bag with all the old puppets. What to do with them? I could not toss them. So many strange feelings and memories came up, especially when I watched the devil.
I like the contrast of the two: light behind the devil, darker behind the representative of justice, the police officer. So here we have the symbol of everything that is dark and evil in this world and right next to it there is the friendly face of the worldly power of righteousness.
A big "Thank you" for all your kind and very helpful comments on my yesterday's Blip!
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