
By mollymay49


Here is a funny story:
I went with my Daughter this morning she drove to Karrinyup for us both to do a bit more Christmas shopping together, it was full on Christmas happening there with queues to see Santa in the mall already!!

After we had finished Sara took the coast road home, we saw this Harley Bike flash by in the opposite direction I had my camera in my hand (as you do when you are a passenger for a change) but of course it was so fast I missed it!! Don't you hate that!!?? Perfect for the vehicle topic today too, Sara said "you were too slow mum".....

Sara dropped me off at hers, I got in my own car to drive home, a short while on the road and there it was again the Harley that sped by driving along the coast a short while earlier, So I followed it!! How insane is that?!
I didn't drive out of my way he took the same road as I was going, then he pulled off into his driveway.
The guy although he was dressed in leather from head to toes and a BIG guy he looked friendly enough so I asked if I could blip his bike?? he was a gentle giant really and was more than happy for me to take a shot of his bike, I didn't ask him to be on it I didn't want to push my luck!
I told home I had seen him on the coast road earlier, he laughed and said "if I'd have known I would have drove slower"!! End of story, I can honestly say I have never done anything like that in my life, can't wait to tell Sara!! Chuckle..(blip has a lot to answer for!)

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