
Went into town today with F2 for a Mummy Monday and bought him this book. Since finding out that F3 is a girl I have been becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of decent female role models in children's TV/films/toys etc.

Yes, I know they shouldn't watch a lot of TV etc, but it's inevitable. But my god it's ridiculous. The vast majority of girls are princesses, ballerinas or side kicks. NEVER the main character, aside from Dora the Explorer (though I am happy to be corrected). Disney's 'Brave' is OK.

Anyway, in this book hooray there is a female fire fighter, but she's a sidekick. Where Sam is "proud of his smart his uniform", "Penny looks great with her lipstick".

ARRGGGG join me on the feminist crusade please Blip.

NB: I'm rarely political about anything, so this is rather unlike me.

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