Houses overlooking the Common, Southborough Kent
An irritating battery failure robbed me of my intended picture today.
Tuesday being cycling day and with a glorious sky first thing, I decided to take my infrared x100. I checked the battery status, which indicated full. However, when I came to use it, all I got was a red flashing symbol -wouldn't even take one picture!
Irritating also, because I have 2/3 spare batteries which came with the camera (bought it second-hand) - but not with me. I've read elsewhere about the potential for the x100 to do this, but had never experienced it myself.
Anyway, I was out on the bike all day, so could only dash around to Southborough Common, where the wonderful raking afternoon light had just packed its bags and gone home. Grrrrrrrrr!
Sorry, but no alternative.
- 3
- 0
- Fujifilm X100S
- 1/100
- f/5.6
- 23mm
- 400
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